
The Conversionista team at Conversion Jam in 2023

Conversionista started from a foundational mission:

“We have come to save humans from digital experiences that suck”.

From that starting point we ventured to build the #1 CRO agency in the Nordics. More than 14 years, and thousands of collaborations later it is clear we succeeded.

Conversion happens when your goals and you visitors’ goals meet

Our founder, John Ekman, calls this The First Law of Conversion. Everything we do revolves around improving the business outcomes for our clients. This works in tandem with improved user experiences. One can’t live without the other.

We work in close partnership with our clients, so that client teams can reach their goal too: to become confident, skillful well-equipped CRO and Growth masters.

When we do this well, we reach our vision: A conversion superhero in every company.

John on stage

Our founder John loves to point at things

Data, Psychology & Experiments – the three cornerstones of CRO

Data tells us WHAT is going on. We dive into web analytics and user research to uncover user struggle points and hidden business potential.

Then we use consumer psychology principles to understand WHY users behave like they do. This understanding forms the base for our improvement hypotheses.

Lastly, we prove the hidden business value of our hypothesis through rigorous, controlled experiments.

Our process is built on scientific methods and eliminates the guesswork that plague digital organizations. Together, we build a data-driven culture and an experimentation mindset that will unleash your hidden growth potential.

We build a data-driven culture and an experimentation mindset that will unleash your hidden growth potential.
John Ekman
John Ekman — founder of Conversionista

A brief overview of our journey so far

Nordic roots, global ambition

We’ve come a long way. We currently have over 80 conversion heroes in our five offices in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö, Oslo, and Amsterdam.

With more than 1000 collaborations for Scandinavian top brands and European challengers, we have build up a fast experience in conversion optimisation and experimentation over the past years.

Conversionista is a proud part of Eidra, a consultancy collective bringing together companies in strategy, creativity and innovation. Together, we drive digital growth by transforming companies and brands.



Get in touch with our Stockholm team and start uncovering growth potential together.


Grev Turegatan 1, 114 46 Stockholm


Get in touch with our Malmö team and start uncovering growth potential together.


Grimsbygatan 24, 211 20 Malmö


Get in touch with our Gothenburg team and start uncovering growth potential together.


Kungsgatan 51, 411 15 Gothenborg


Get in touch with our Oslo team and start uncovering growth potential together.


Factory Tøyen, Kjølberggata 21 c, inngang b, 0653 Oslo


Get in touch with our Amsterdam team and start uncovering growth potential together.


Jollemanhof 13, 1019 GW, Amsterdam

Key people

Marie Horneman
Marie Horneman

Managing Director Sweden

marie [at]

Marte Dille
Marte Dille

Managing Director Norway

marte [at]

David van Zeggeren
David van Zeggeren

Managing Director The Netherlands

david.van.zeggeren [at]

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